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Quantum Circles

Creating Shifts in the World

Founders Circle

3-month Cycle: May, June, July 2024 

Start Date: Friday, May 10, 2024

10 - 11:15am NY | 7am - 8:15am LA

Do you feel isolated, disconnected, frustrated?

With the overwhelming demands of daily life, it can feel like you’re stuck in a whirlwind of other people's problems while your own needs get buried beneath the chaos. You're not alone in this struggle. Many of us know what it's like to feel weighed down, suffocated by the constant pressure to keep up with the never-ending to-do list. But there's hope. Together, we can navigate through the storm, find clarity amidst the confusion, and carve out a space for healing and renewal. You deserve to break free from the cycle of survival and rediscover a empowered sense of purpose and connection.



Constricted by current circumstances


Connecting to yourself, in Community, and the Quantum

Step into a sanctuary where time slows and the noise of the world fades, where authentic connections and self-discovery intertwine in a vibrant tapestry of shared experiences. As we journey together, exploring the depths of the Quantum, we unravel the mysteries of infinite possibility and boundless potential, awakening to the truth of our interconnectedness with the Universe. If you're ready to embrace transformation and unlock the secrets of the cosmos within, join us in this sacred space where miracles become reality, and the journey of self-discovery knows no bounds.

Connection within & to others


Aligned Momentum

Deeper Self-Trust

Welcome to the Quantum Circles: Where Community Creates Expansion!

Are you feeling the gentle tug of the universe, beckoning you to explore the deeper realms of existence?

Do you yearn for connection with kindred spirits who share your reverence for the sacred mysteries of life?

If so, you have found your sanctuary in the Quantum Circle. Within our sacred circle, we gather as seekers, weaving our energies together to create a tapestry of divine possibility. Guided by the whispers of the soul and the rhythms of the cosmos, we embark on a journey of spiritual awakening and conscious evolution.

Now is the time for Co-Creation and Collective Empowerment. 

Join us in the Quantum Circle for a transformative three-months where we will harness the power of collaboration to access the quantum field and manifest our wildest dreams.In this special "Founders Circle" you are invited to be part of an intimate community of visionaries, pioneers, and seekers who are ready to dive deep into the realms of infinite possibility.

Each month, we will explore the quantum landscape through movement, journaling, energy art, visualizations, and channeled messages from the Tri Luminii.

glowing light circles expanding and connecting gold, green, fiery in space


Create shifts in your energy by accessing the Quantum field of possibilities and experience the expansion of your Being in your everyday life.

3 people silhouettes jumping freely with golden sky background


Explore and discover in this shared space


access Joy in the Journey.

glowing gold hearts


Immerse yourself in

Unconditional Love energy.

Receive it for yourself & Radiate it out to the World.

What you can expect from your

Quantum Circle experience:


Join forces with fellow visionaries as we co-create a space of inspiration, support, and boundless creativity. Together, we will amplify our intentions and multiply our manifestations through the power of community.


 Immerse yourself in a journey of self-discovery and personal growth as we explore the depths of the quantum field. Through movement, journaling, and energy art, you will unlock hidden potentials, release limiting beliefs, and step into the fullness of your being.


Forge deep and meaningful connections with like-minded souls who share your passion for spiritual exploration and conscious evolution. In the Quantum Circle, you will find a family of kindred spirits who will uplift, inspire, and empower you on your path


Forge deep and meaningful connections with like-minded souls who share your passion for spiritual exploration and conscious evolution. In the Quantum Circle, you will find a family of kindred spirits who will uplift, inspire, and empower you on your path.

Founders Circle




3 Month Cycle | 3 Sessions per Month

May, June, July 2024

10am - 11:15am NY | 7am - 8:15am LA

Register Now

QC Founders Cycle Session Dates

For this cycle of Quantum Circles, we will meet on the dates below. Any time in between sessions allows for further integration of whatever insights and shifts you experience. Once completed, August will serve as a month of integration before initiating the next cycle, which will begin in September. 

  • May 10, 17, 31

  • June 7, 14, 21

  • July 12, 19, 26

Sessions are 75-minutes to allow for more connection and time to share. All sessions for this cycle are on Fridays 10 - 11:15am NY / 7 - 8:15am LA. 


Becca Weinstein

With an awareness of suffering in the world from a very young age and an intuitive awareness of possibilities, Becca's journey led her to study peace & conflict at the University of Notre Dame. Burnt out, in empathic overwhelm, and seeking another way, she became an energy-aware Licensed Massage Therapist and holistic health coach.

Through 20 years in this work, her quest became healing her own inner fragmentation of being energy and being human, while supporting others in experiencing ease and wholeness. Her intuitive work has evolved to include energy art as she guides clients on their own alignment and empowerment joruneys, accessing the field of possibilities.

Kristen Toscano

Through 20 years as a physical therapist addressing the physical manifestations of stress and burnout and navigating her own health journey, Kristen realized there were contributing factors critical to long-term results that weren’t being addressed.

Now as a Quantum Human Design™ Specialist Quantum Alignment Practitioner, and GUMPTION Method Facilitator, she guides individuals to greater confidence, peace, and joy by better understanding and realigning with their Authentic Selves, connecting to the wisdom carried in their bodies, and tapping into the tools that help them break free from the fears, doubts, and shoulds keeping them from thriving.

Nicole Meltzer

Nicole, founder of the transformative program Flow, has helped thousands of people tap into and trust their intuition through her international intuitive circles, programs, guided meditations and presentations. In her international best-selling book, Intuitive Languages, Nicole guides the reader through the process of building their unique intuitive language.

Nicole is passionate about showing others how easy and fun intuitive communication can be. Always practical yet light-hearted, audiences leave her talks feeling empowered with new skills and knowledge while being entertained.

Frequently asked questions...

What if I don't have any experience with energy or in the Quantum?

All of our practices are beginner-friendly and you'll be guided through each experience step-by-step. And, bringing a beginner's mindset, regardless of your experience, opens up possibilities. 

What is the Quantum?

It is the space in which we exist, the Field of Infinite Possibilities. When we consciously engage with the Quantum Field, we can create create shifts within ourselves and in our experienced reality.

How do I know this is for me?

We're moving through a time of collective and personal upleveling. If you're feeling the call to contribute to build a world rooted in Love and want support along the journey, you're in the right place.

What if I can't attend a session Live?

While it is encouraged to attend live to actively be in the Quantum Space together at the designated time, it is not always possible. There will be recordings available within 1-2 days of the scheduled session.

Quantum Circles 

QC Founders Circle is in Session!

Next Circle Starts in September 2024

Sign Up for the Wait List

Sign up below to get on the list for our next 3-month cycle, which begins in September. We'll let you know when the next Intro Session is and the details of the next cycle as we approach the dates.

By signing up to the QC Wait List, you will be subscribed to the Quantum Circles Message List. We promise to never share your information and you can unsubscribe at any time.

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